- FRONT ROW, L to R: James O' Toole, John Will Costello, Jim Keough (of Phillip), Rich Sullivan (with little boy, Frank O'Toole, in front of him), unknown hired hand, (Yankee) Jose Sullivan, Bernard Meaney, Adam Ryan.
- SECOND ROW, L to R: Pat Sullivan, Pat Keough, Ernest Condon, Ned Keough, Jack O' Toole, Mike Shallow (who later became British Heavyweight Champion), Fred Costello (directly behind Mike Shallow), Pat Power, Matt Whalen, Bill O'Toole, ? Boland (in the light hat), Mike Power.
- THIRD ROW, L to R: Mary Esther (Sis) Costello (Mrs. Jose Sullivan), Annie Grant (Mrs. Michael Power), Mary Condon (Mrs. Martin O'Toole), Bridget Sullivan (Mrs Fred Costello), Matilda Meaney (Mrs. James Power), Catherine Mary (Noona) Power (Mrs. Thomas Devine), Mary Ellen Sullivan (Mrs. Matthew Whalen), Kate Condon, (Big) Mike Reddigan.
- FOURTH ROW, L to R: Mary Alice Power (Mrs. Rich Sullivan), Amelia (Millie) Condon (Mrs. James O' Toole), Agnes Condon (Mrs. Jack O'Toole), Annie Brennan (Mrs. Bill O' Toole), Margaret (Maggie) Power (Mrs. Richard Delahunty).