Family Names of Calvert (Caplin Bay), Newfoundland

 - Family Tree Database -

Family: Maurice Aspell / Catherine Morrissey (F740)

Family Chart     |    PDF

Andrew Aspell
Male (1819-1887)
Female (1826-1894)
Frances [Aspell]
Female (1846-1932)
Bridget Aspell
Female (1852-1910)
Margaret Aspell
Female (1853-1937)
Andrew Aspell
Male (1858-1910)
James Aspell
Male (1867-1916)
Joseph Morrissey
Male (1825-1911)
Elizabeth Hartery
Female (1828-1912)
Maurice Aspell
Male (1861-1916)
Catherine Morrissey
Female (1864-1920)
Andrew Joseph Aspell
Male (1892-1909)
Joseph Aspell
Male (1894-1914)
Gerald Aspell
Male (1898-1961)
John Thomas Aspell
Male (1900-1999)
Ellen Aspell
Female (1900-1990)
James Mary Aspell
Male (1908-1991)
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